Infant Care Workshop

Siblings Class

Are you expecting a new baby brother or sister at your house?

What We Will Cover

  • This is an opportunity for young children to gather in a classroom to hear about babies. A friendly Parent Education Program instructor will be teaching them about babies’ needs and limitations, using a lifelike baby doll to illustrate her talk.
  • A short cartoon CD program tells what to expect when the new baby comes, emphasizing the importance of the “big kid.” The class also includes a tour, to see what a new mother’s room will look like.
  • Each child attending the class will receive a certificate of completion and a coloring book.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How much does this class cost?

    For a family of USC-VHH, the cost is $25. For a non–USC-VHH family, the cost is $30.

  • How is payment collected?

    Please contact us to arrange payment options before the beginning of the class.

  • How long does this class take?

    This class is 1 hour long.

  • When is this class?

    This class meets once a month on a Saturday, from 10-11 a.m.

  • Where does this class take place?

    USC Verdugo Hills Hospital
    1812 Verdugo Blvd, 4th floor, Council Room
    Glendale, CA 91208

  • Classes are conducted in person. To protect yourself and others during the COVID-19 pandemic, all attendees are required to wear masks and maintain a 6-foot distance from other people.
  • When is the ideal time to take this class for best results?

    The ideal time to take this class for best results is between the seventh and ninth months of pregnancy.

  • Are there any prerequisites for this class?

    We recommend that the siblings-to-be should be 3 to 8 years of age.

  • Whom can I contact for additional information?

    For more information, you can contact our Family Education Coordinator, Teri Rice, at (818) 952-2272 or