Share | USC Verdugo Hills Hospital - Part 6


USC Verdugo Hills Hospital to offer state-of-the-art robotic prostate cancer treatment

Prostatectomies performed using the da Vinci® Surgical System have the potential for less blood loss, less pain, minimal scarring and faster recovery time as compared to traditional procedures. USC Verdugo Hills Hospital of Keck Medicine of USC has acquired a da Vinci® Surgical System Robot for minimally invasive, robotic-assisted prostatectomies. Mike Nguyen, MD, MPH, associate

2019-01-14T13:44:34-08:00News and Stories, Share|

Better, Stronger, Faster at USC Verdugo Hills Hospital

Physicians often want surgical patients to be up and walking soon after an operation, but a full recovery may still lay ahead. For some patients, what follows is therapy overseen by physical therapists, like those of the Physical Therapy Department at USC Verdugo Hills Hospital (USC–VHH). The staff of physical, occupational and speech therapists treats

2019-01-14T13:44:34-08:00News and Stories, Share|

A Full & Healthy Heart at USC Verdugo Hills Hospital

“I’ll see you around.” “Not if I see you first!” This kind of good-natured ribbing isn’t what you’d expect to hear at a hospital-based fitness center, but it’s part of a normal day at the USC Verdugo Hills Hospital (USCVHH) Cardiac Rehabilitation Program (CRP) for cardiac patient Phil Downs. Downs, 73, a retired California Highway

2016-03-17T13:47:35-07:00News and Stories, Share|
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