News and Stories | USC Verdugo Hills Hospital - Part 3

News and Stories

Is Dementia Preventable?

Experts say that one-third of the world's dementia cases could be prevented by managing lifestyle factors such as hearing loss, hypertension and depression. This remarkable fact was part of a report by the first Lancet Commission on Dementia Prevention and Care that was presented at the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference (AAIC) 2017 and published in

2023-10-02T11:34:25-07:00News and Stories|

You’re Never Too Old for These Types of Allergies

While most food allergies start in childhood, adults can develop allergies and it can happen out of nowhere. Maybe you have been eating seafood your entire life and out of nowhere your favorite lobster dish at your local restaurant causes your lips to swell. What’s causing it? Chances are you have developed an adult

2023-08-30T08:59:36-07:00News and Stories, Share|

USC Verdugo Hills Hospital Foundation 26th Annual Golf Classic

Our 26th Annual Golf Classic was one of the most successful in its long history, raising more than $300,000. Our fundraising efforts, fueled by the generosity of our event sponsors, underwriters, golfers and community members, were unparalleled. Funds will be used to support our highest-priority needs, including investments in technology, facility improvements, patient services and

2024-06-17T11:22:43-07:00News and Stories|

10 Lifestyle Changes Everyone Should Make In Their 20s

Your 20s are typically a whirlwind of independence, soul-searching, hyper-socialization and figuring out exactly who you are. These lifestyle tricks will help you along the way. People in their 20's often experience rapid and frequent changes. Increased responsibilities; moving to and from college or out of your parents home; significant personal relationships grow or dissipate;

2022-10-06T10:53:59-07:00News and Stories|

What To Do When Someone Has A Seizure

You may feel helpless when someone has a seizure, but remember to stay calm and be present. Your actions could save a life. Seizures are more common than you think; 1 in 10 people will experience one, and they are usually associated with epilepsy. While medication can often control them, seizures are still unpredictable. If

2021-12-23T07:39:44-08:00News and Stories|

USC-VHH Welcomes Its First Baby of 2017

On January 1, 2017 at 1:03pm, USC Verdugo Hills Hospital welcomed its very first baby of the new year. Adoptive parents Felipe Osorno and Ian Holloway, as well as older sister Sophia H. Osorno, are thrilled to welcome baby Lucia into their family. Baby Lucia weighed 7 pounds and 7 ounces. Lucia was greeted

2023-01-31T10:28:16-08:00News and Stories, Share|

Men’s Health Seminar

Over 70 guests were in attendance for our most recent Men’s Health Seminar which was held on Thursday, December 8th. Various topics related to men’s health were addressed by local physicians and USC Medical School staff. The evening was especially poignant as it was the capstone for Men’s Health Awareness Month.   Pictured below are Dr.

2016-12-28T11:43:31-08:00Men's Health, News and Stories, Share|
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