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USC-VHH Welcomes Its First Baby of 2017

On January 1, 2017 at 1:03pm, USC Verdugo Hills Hospital welcomed its very first baby of the new year. Adoptive parents Felipe Osorno and Ian Holloway, as well as older sister Sophia H. Osorno, are thrilled to welcome baby Lucia into their family. Baby Lucia weighed 7 pounds and 7 ounces. Lucia was greeted with a welcome basket of helpful gifts generously donated by members of the Crescenta Valley Chamber of Commerce, including free house cleaning from J’s maids, a family photo shoot from Jennifer Emery Photography and car seat accessories from Diono Baby Bundle. In anticipation of the

Weight Loss

Weight Loss Surgery A plan designed with your well-being in mind A top weight-management program requires more than surgical expertise. It’s about giving you control and helping you choose the life you want to live. We connect you with the support system you need to reach and maintain long-term success. It’s not about the scale Our primary focus is on your quality of life. Whether it’s improving your overall health, having more energy or just feeling better about the reflection in the mirror, we discuss your goals with you on an individual basis and look at both surgical and non-surgical


Comprehensive Urology and Prostate Cancer Services Urologic conditions need specialized attention. At USC Verdugo Hills Hospital, our best-in-class urologists and surgeons provide cutting-edge care to enhance your quality of life. We diagnose and treat all urologic conditions, including: Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), also called an enlarged prostate gland Incontinence Kidney stones Male infertility Prostate cancer Renowned for our surgical expertise, we offer the latest technology and techniques to help return you to an active lifestyle. Our goal is to deliver compassionate, comprehensive care, through a collaborative team that’s dedicated to understanding your needs and concerns.

What Is UroLift?

This innovative procedure helps improve the quality of your husband’s life with a quick, minimally invasive procedure — and will help you and your husband get a good night’s sleep again. We reached out to Leo R. Doumanian, MD, associate professor of clinical urology who practices at the USC Institute of Urology of Keck Medicine of USC and USC Verdugo Hills Hospital to learn more about UroLift. This new, exciting and effective treatment for benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH) is currently only offered at limited facilities in the Los Angeles area, including Keck Medicine of USC and USC Verdugo Hills Hospital. What is Benign

There’s New Hope for an Embarrassing Problem Under The Sheets

It can be hard to talk about issues below the belt, but if you or your partner experiences this problem; you don’t need to suffer any longer Has sex been less fun and more painful in the bedroom? Have you noticed that something down below is curving like a banana? Is this affecting your relationship? Having a slight bend to your erect penis can be normal. However, having a curvature that precludes penetration or causes painful intercourse is not. Learn more about Peyronie’s disease, a progressive, painful and psychologically debilitating disease causing penile curvature. There is now a new,

When Should You Consider Botox for Your Overactive Bladder?

The very same Botox that works for wrinkles can stop you from running to the bathroom every 15 minutes. Want to learn more? Read on.First, know that it’s not uncommon to have to urinate more frequently and have leakage issues, particularly as you get older — about 16 percent of men and women do. But if you’re skipping out on parties, concerts, car trips or otherwise making life choices around having easy access to a bathroom or wearing adult diapers, you should talk to your doctor about treatment options for an overactive bladder.Mike M. Nguyen, MD, MPH, associate professor of

High Tech, Close to Home

Surgeons at USC Verdugo Hills Hospital call on the latest surgical advances to tackle prostate cancer. Robotic surgery is relatively new at USC Verdugo Hills, having debuted in January 2016, but the team and program are long-standing. The USC Institute of Urology is a pioneer in robotic prostatectomies — urologists at Keck Medicine of USC perform more of the procedures than at any other hospital on the West Coast. For Larry Peru, having minimally invasive robotic surgery for prostate cancer close to home at USC Verdugo Hills Hospital (USC-VHH) was more than simply convenient, it was confidence-building. “The technology is

USC Verdugo Hills Hospital emergency physician’s correct diagnosis saves 7-year-old meningitis patient

Its early symptoms can be confused with those of a cold or flu — which may be why an urgent care doctor thought it was a passing virus that could be treated with rest and over-the-counter medications. But something inside both Tammy Stradiotto and her husband James Przybyla told them that their son’s complaints of a severe headache that came on suddenly that morning and wouldn’t go away might be a sign something far more serious was wrong. Sometime just before midnight, Stradiotto and Przybyla, decided he wasn’t getting better and bundled up 7-year-old Tyler for the short trip

5 Hand Exercises To Help You Maintain Your Dexterity & Flexibility

Our hands. We use them every day to get us through many tasks throughout the day. Texting. Cooking. Writing. Opening Doors. Typing. Carrying Things. Exercise. Giving high fives. And more! Many times, our hands can become tired, sore and painful. If you have arthritis, tendinitis, carpal tunnel syndrome or other uncomfortable hand ailments, you might experience these symptoms more regularly. There are many exercises that can help strengthen your hands and fingers, increase your range of motion and provide you temporary, or even longer-term pain relief. Here are five hand and finger exercises that can help you increase flexibility, dexterity

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