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6 Things You Need to Know When Diagnosed with HPV

Being diagnosed with Human Papillomavirus (HPV) can be a nerve-wracking experience. You don’t need to panic, but you do need to be informed. Here are 6 things you need to know when you’re diagnosed with HPV: 1. Don’t panic HPV is so prevalent that nearly all sexually active men and women get it at some point in their lives. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, it’s the most common sexually transmitted infection in the US. In fact, 80 percent of US adults will get HPV at least once in their lifetime. In most cases, your body is

The Pros and Cons of Taking Zinc for a Cold

When you’re miserable and sniffling and sneezing, you may be ready to try anything — anything — to make it stop. Or maybe you would do anything to prevent those symptoms from starting. Science weighs in on using zinc to fight and prevent colds. Runny nose, sore throat, aches and congestion are the all too familiar symptoms of the common cold. You’ve tried chicken soup, decongestant pills and tea with honey, but your cold symptoms still stubbornly persist. Then someone helpfully tells you to try zinc. Should you? Here’s everything you need to know. What is zinc? Zinc is a mineral your

8 Ways To Fight The Belly Bulge

Slimming down your waistline is no easy feat. But, it might not be as difficult as you think. Most people would love a magic potion to help them trim down in the tummy area. But, until that exists we have a few suggestions that can help make a big difference. Here are 8 tips that will be able to help you in the fight against belly bulge: 1. Find out how much body fat you have There are precise ways to do this that your doctor will be able to do with technology, such as a CT scan or an

Healthy People Usually Eat These 7 Things for Lunch

What you eat for lunch is almost as important as what you eat for breakfast. Your midday meal provides you the fuel to keep running at top capacity. It gets you through the rest of your afternoon, which is likely filled with another four to five hours of thoughtful work at the office or at home. If you’re tired of looking at sad salads or heating up instant ramen noodles, try one of these simple, protein-packed lunch ideas to keep you energized, alert and productive throughout the afternoon. 1. Avocado and egg sandwich What’s better than an avocado and

The Real Reasons You Get Sick When it’s Cold Outside

The Real Reasons You Get Sick When it’s Cold Outside You’re outside on an unexpectedly chilly day. You forgot to wear your hat and gloves and now you’re shivering. Is it a given that you’re going to catch a cold or come down with the flu? Maybe. Cold weather doesn’t make you sick, germs do, but research suggests that cold weather can create conditions that help those germs survive and thrive. Here, we investigate 5 reasons why you’re more likely to get sick in the colder winter months: 1. You’re indoors more Being stuck indoors increases your risk of getting

The Real Reasons You Get Sick When it’s Cold Outside

It’s common knowledge we are all more likely to get sick during winter. But what does science have to say about why? You’re outside on an unexpectedly chilly day. You forgot to wear your hat and gloves and now you’re shivering. Is it a given that you’re going to catch a cold or come down with the flu? Maybe. Cold weather doesn’t make you sick, germs do, but research suggests that cold weather can create conditions that help those germs survive and thrive. Here, we investigate 5 reasons why you’re more likely to get sick in the colder winter months:

Fact or Fiction: Feed a Cold, Starve a Fever?

Is there any significant science behind the old wives' tale? Should you be feeding a cold and starving a fever? And what should you be feeding it anyway? The last time you came down with a cold, a loved one may have suggested you should “feed a cold.” But why? What do doctors advise? As long as you feel well enough to eat and have an appetite, you should go ahead and feed that cold... or fever. The good news? Starving is never the answer. Food and fluids, especially, can help you feel better faster. Fasting (another word for starving), on the

Breast Care

From Mammograms to Breast Cancer Treatment Finding a lump or experiencing breast pain comes with feelings of uncertainty. You want to know what's causing it, and you want an accurate diagnosis. That's the goal of our breast care specialists at USC Verdugo Hills Hospital. We provide best-in-class specialty care for a wide range of breast conditions. We believe that every woman over 40 (unless high risk) should have a yearly mammogram. From routine mammograms to addressing BRCA gene mutations, we offer all the services you need in one location that's close to home. To schedule a digital mammogram, please call


Please call (818) 533-6560 for a maternity consultation. Supportive Maternity Services When it’s time to deliver your little one, you want the best and safest experience. The caring team at USC Verdugo Hills Hospital’s Beginnings Family Birth Center provides warm, expert maternity services. From pregnancy to childbirth to postpartum, our goal is to help you have the experience that’s right for you. We welcome all birth plans and respect your preferences. You also have the security of knowing that our neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) is located within the same building.


Compassionate Care From Your First Gynecological Exam Through Menopause Gynecological care supports a woman’s health throughout her life. At USC Verdugo Hills Hospital (USC-VHH), we offer you complete gynecological care, close to home. Our gynecologists, board-certified surgeons, expert anesthesiologists and nurses care for you from your first gynecological exam through pregnancy and menopause. Our experts diagnose and treat conditions such as abnormal uterine bleeding, uterine fibroids, vaginal prolapse and gynecological cancer. Specializing in a wide range of procedures, our team uses their vast experience to provide the support and treatment that's right for you. Treatments and Services

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