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Sue Wilder: A Warm and Helpful Hand

Sue Wilder, a volunteer at USC Verdugo Hills Hospital for 18 years, understands that when someone enters the hospital, they are at an extremely vulnerable point. Her first time at USC Verdugo Hills Hospital was when her father was admitted as a result of congestive heart failure. “He ended up spending seven weeks in this

USC Verdugo Hills Hospital Receives National Recognition For Emergency Nursing Certification

USC-Verdugo Hills Hospital, part of Keck Medicine of USC, is being recognized for its exceptional support of emergency nursing certification. It is the first hospital in California to receive BCEN Honorary Certification Recognition, an award that is bestowed on one small and one large health care facility each year by the Board of Certification in

2024-08-16T14:38:11-07:00News and Stories, Share|

Your 6-Step Guide to Preventing Spring Allergies

Spring is here, which means spring allergies have also arrived. Here’s how to stop them before they start. Sure, spring is beautiful with trees and flowers in full bloom, but if you suffer from allergies to trees, grass pollens and ragweed, you know those green leaves and flowers trigger one of the most miserable


The Bitter Truth about Artificial Sweeteners

Although they are advertised as being better for your body than sugar, artificial sweeteners may be not be as harmless as they seem. Ever since saccharin, the first artificial sweetener, was created in 1879, scientists have been keeping an eye on the possible side effects of sugar substitutes. While they don’t have any calories and


What’s The Different Between A CAT Scan and an MRI?

CT scans and MRI scans scan similar areas of the body to diagnose injuries and internal pain, but the technology is different. Learn the advantages and limitations of each. While both CT and MRI scans capture detailed images of the inside of the body, the technology used — and the details captured, are different.


You’re Never Too Old for These Types of Allergies

While most food allergies start in childhood, adults can develop allergies and it can happen out of nowhere. Maybe you have been eating seafood your entire life and out of nowhere your favorite lobster dish at your local restaurant causes your lips to swell. What’s causing it? Chances are you have developed an adult

2023-08-30T08:59:36-07:00News and Stories, Share|

Surprising Symptoms That Could Indicate a Thyroid Problem

When your thyroid works properly, you never know it’s there. But when it malfunctions, it wreaks havoc on your body. Your thyroid is a flat, butterfly-shaped gland located directly underneath your Adam’s apple. Everything from brain development, bone strength, heart function, digestion and muscle control are affected by the thyroid. Even so, it is not


7 Fruits That Can Help You Lose (Or Maintain Your) Weight

Weighing your options: Are you making the best selections in the produce section? According to the World Health Organization, eating at least five 80-gram serving portions of a variety of fruits and vegetables every day lowers the risk of serious health problems. Recent studies have also proven that eating certain fruits can help with weight loss.

2022-10-11T12:41:09-07:00Share, Weight Loss|

6 Things You Need to Know When Diagnosed with HPV

Being diagnosed with Human Papillomavirus (HPV) can be a nerve-wracking experience. You don’t need to panic, but you do need to be informed. Here are 6 things you need to know when you’re diagnosed with HPV: 1. Don’t panic HPV is so prevalent that nearly all sexually active men and women get it at some


3 Fast Food Tricks To Ordering A Healthier Meal

When it comes to losing weight, exercise is important, but calorie reduction is what really helps you drop those extra pounds. Complete diet makeovers can be overwhelming, but small changes can make a big difference. There isn’t always time to meal prep, and sometimes grabbing lunch on the go is the only option. But that’s not


The Pros and Cons of Taking Zinc for a Cold

When you’re miserable and sniffling and sneezing, you may be ready to try anything — anything — to make it stop. Or maybe you would do anything to prevent those symptoms from starting. Science weighs in on using zinc to fight and prevent colds. Runny nose, sore throat, aches and congestion are the all too familiar symptoms


Why You Shouldn’t Whisper with a Hoarse Voice

Although your natural instinct may be to whisper when you have laryngitis, speech therapists believe you may actually be straining your vocal cords. If you’ve ever suffered from laryngitis (swollen, irritated vocal cords in the larynx, perhaps better known as the voice box), your gut reaction might have been to assume that it’s okay to


Motivated? Do These 5 Things Before Getting on That Treadmill

Maybe you love running. Or it could just be something you’re easing yourself into. It may have taken you a long time to muster up the motivation to get on that treadmill. Finding that extra motivation in your busy life to exercise can be tough. But once you gather up that motivation, you can’t just go straight


8 Ways To Fight The Belly Bulge

Slimming down your waistline is no easy feat. But, it might not be as difficult as you think. Most people would love a magic potion to help them trim down in the tummy area. But, until that exists we have a few suggestions that can help make a big difference. Here are 8 tips that

2023-01-19T17:08:04-08:00Share, Weight Loss|

Healthy People Usually Eat These 7 Things for Lunch

What you eat for lunch is almost as important as what you eat for breakfast. Your midday meal provides you the fuel to keep running at top capacity. It gets you through the rest of your afternoon, which is likely filled with another four to five hours of thoughtful work at the office or


The Real Reasons You Get Sick When it’s Cold Outside

The Real Reasons You Get Sick When it’s Cold Outside You’re outside on an unexpectedly chilly day. You forgot to wear your hat and gloves and now you’re shivering. Is it a given that you’re going to catch a cold or come down with the flu? Maybe. Cold weather doesn’t make you sick, germs do,


Fact or Fiction: Feed a Cold, Starve a Fever?

Is there any significant science behind the old wives' tale? Should you be feeding a cold and starving a fever? And what should you be feeding it anyway? The last time you came down with a cold, a loved one may have suggested you should “feed a cold.” But why? What do doctors advise? As long as


USC-VHH Welcomes Its First Baby of 2017

On January 1, 2017 at 1:03pm, USC Verdugo Hills Hospital welcomed its very first baby of the new year. Adoptive parents Felipe Osorno and Ian Holloway, as well as older sister Sophia H. Osorno, are thrilled to welcome baby Lucia into their family. Baby Lucia weighed 7 pounds and 7 ounces. Lucia was greeted

2023-01-31T10:28:16-08:00News and Stories, Share|

Men’s Health Seminar

Over 70 guests were in attendance for our most recent Men’s Health Seminar which was held on Thursday, December 8th. Various topics related to men’s health were addressed by local physicians and USC Medical School staff. The evening was especially poignant as it was the capstone for Men’s Health Awareness Month.   Pictured below are Dr.

2016-12-28T11:43:31-08:00Men's Health, News and Stories, Share|

What Is UroLift?

This innovative procedure helps improve the quality of your husband’s life with a quick, minimally invasive procedure — and will help you and your husband get a good night’s sleep again. We reached out to Leo R. Doumanian, MD, associate professor of clinical urology who practices at the USC Institute of Urology of Keck Medicine of USC

2022-12-07T15:42:39-08:00News and Stories, Share|

High Tech, Close to Home

Surgeons at USC Verdugo Hills Hospital call on the latest surgical advances to tackle prostate cancer. Robotic surgery is relatively new at USC Verdugo Hills, having debuted in January 2016, but the team and program are long-standing. The USC Institute of Urology is a pioneer in robotic prostatectomies — urologists at Keck Medicine of USC

2022-12-07T14:21:34-08:00News and Stories, Share|

2016 Stroke Silver Plus Award

Our hospital received the Get With The Guidelines Silver Plus Achievement Award for reaching an aggressive goal of treating (heart failure or stroke) patients with 85 percent or higher compliance to core standard levels of care as outlined by the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association for 12 consecutive months.  

2016-05-11T13:28:21-07:00News and Stories, Share|

8 Ways To Fight The Belly Bulge

Waking up in the morning can be tough. You’re tucked comfortably under the covers only to realize the sound of your alarm means it’s time to get up and start your day. But once you do, you head over to the mirror to start brushing your teeth. Lo and behold, you still have that belly

2019-01-14T13:44:34-08:00News and Stories, Share|

Why Doctors Appointments Are Important In Your 20s

You’re young, energetic, feel great and are up on the latest health and fitness trends, but that doesn’t mean you should skip seeing your primary care doctor. Your 20s are a busy time in your life. Socializing, working, studying, newfound responsibilities and random adventures can jam-pack your days. But, scheduling a check-up appointment with your

2022-12-07T16:09:29-08:00News and Stories, Share|

5 Goals That May Be Better Than Going On A Diet

Each day brings about an opportunity for a fresh new start. Are you considering losing weight? Getting back in shape? Diets are hard to stick with (trust me, I know!) and more often than not we cave in at the first sign of temptation. Other times, diets can make us  miserable when we watch our coworkers,

2022-12-07T10:48:59-08:00News and Stories, Share|

10 Ways to Create Inspiration in Your Life This Year

Everyday is an opportunity for a new beginning. Pressing restart may be overwhelming, especially considering our daily responsibilities, but you can set out to accomplish all of your goals this year with a bit of inspiration. Here are 10 simple ways you can start on that today: 1. Read a book Picking up a book

2019-01-14T13:44:34-08:00News and Stories, Share|

Does Apple Cider Vinegar Have Any Actual Health Benefits?

Googling apple cider vinegar returns seemingly endless search results, many of which describe apple cider vinegar to be the key to a healthy lifestyle. Apple Cider Vinegar’s purported health benefits – from weight loss to blood sugar regulation – have been reported in a wide range of websites from from Cosmopolitan to Authority Nutrition.

2023-01-19T17:19:33-08:00News and Stories, Share|

Orthopaedic Care Close to Home

A hip replacement in October 2014 has not slowed James Foley down at all. “I’m ready to do an Irish jig now,” says the 79-year-old Catholic priest. Originally from Tipperary County, Ireland, Foley, or “Father Jack,” served the parish of Holy Redeemer in Montrose, CA, for 23 years. Although he retired in 2007, he still

2019-01-14T13:44:34-08:00News and Stories, Share|

USC Verdugo Hills Hospital to offer state-of-the-art robotic prostate cancer treatment

Prostatectomies performed using the da Vinci® Surgical System have the potential for less blood loss, less pain, minimal scarring and faster recovery time as compared to traditional procedures. USC Verdugo Hills Hospital of Keck Medicine of USC has acquired a da Vinci® Surgical System Robot for minimally invasive, robotic-assisted prostatectomies. Mike Nguyen, MD, MPH, associate

2019-01-14T13:44:34-08:00News and Stories, Share|

Better, Stronger, Faster at USC Verdugo Hills Hospital

Physicians often want surgical patients to be up and walking soon after an operation, but a full recovery may still lay ahead. For some patients, what follows is therapy overseen by physical therapists, like those of the Physical Therapy Department at USC Verdugo Hills Hospital (USC–VHH). The staff of physical, occupational and speech therapists treats

2019-01-14T13:44:34-08:00News and Stories, Share|

A Full & Healthy Heart at USC Verdugo Hills Hospital

“I’ll see you around.” “Not if I see you first!” This kind of good-natured ribbing isn’t what you’d expect to hear at a hospital-based fitness center, but it’s part of a normal day at the USC Verdugo Hills Hospital (USCVHH) Cardiac Rehabilitation Program (CRP) for cardiac patient Phil Downs. Downs, 73, a retired California Highway

2016-03-17T13:47:35-07:00News and Stories, Share|
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