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Surprising Symptoms That Could Indicate a Thyroid Problem

When your thyroid works properly, you never know it’s there. But when it malfunctions, it wreaks havoc on your body. Your thyroid is a flat, butterfly-shaped gland located directly underneath your Adam’s apple. Everything from brain development, bone strength, heart function, digestion and muscle control are affected by the thyroid. Even so, it is not


7 Fruits That Can Help You Lose (Or Maintain Your) Weight

Weighing your options: Are you making the best selections in the produce section? According to the World Health Organization, eating at least five 80-gram serving portions of a variety of fruits and vegetables every day lowers the risk of serious health problems. Recent studies have also proven that eating certain fruits can help with weight loss.

2022-10-11T12:41:09-07:00Share, Weight Loss|

6 Things You Need to Know When Diagnosed with HPV

Being diagnosed with Human Papillomavirus (HPV) can be a nerve-wracking experience. You don’t need to panic, but you do need to be informed. Here are 6 things you need to know when you’re diagnosed with HPV: 1. Don’t panic HPV is so prevalent that nearly all sexually active men and women get it at some


3 Fast Food Tricks To Ordering A Healthier Meal

When it comes to losing weight, exercise is important, but calorie reduction is what really helps you drop those extra pounds. Complete diet makeovers can be overwhelming, but small changes can make a big difference. There isn’t always time to meal prep, and sometimes grabbing lunch on the go is the only option. But that’s not


The Pros and Cons of Taking Zinc for a Cold

When you’re miserable and sniffling and sneezing, you may be ready to try anything — anything — to make it stop. Or maybe you would do anything to prevent those symptoms from starting. Science weighs in on using zinc to fight and prevent colds. Runny nose, sore throat, aches and congestion are the all too familiar symptoms


Why You Shouldn’t Whisper with a Hoarse Voice

Although your natural instinct may be to whisper when you have laryngitis, speech therapists believe you may actually be straining your vocal cords. If you’ve ever suffered from laryngitis (swollen, irritated vocal cords in the larynx, perhaps better known as the voice box), your gut reaction might have been to assume that it’s okay to


Motivated? Do These 5 Things Before Getting on That Treadmill

Maybe you love running. Or it could just be something you’re easing yourself into. It may have taken you a long time to muster up the motivation to get on that treadmill. Finding that extra motivation in your busy life to exercise can be tough. But once you gather up that motivation, you can’t just go straight


8 Ways To Fight The Belly Bulge

Slimming down your waistline is no easy feat. But, it might not be as difficult as you think. Most people would love a magic potion to help them trim down in the tummy area. But, until that exists we have a few suggestions that can help make a big difference. Here are 8 tips that

2023-01-19T17:08:04-08:00Share, Weight Loss|

Healthy People Usually Eat These 7 Things for Lunch

What you eat for lunch is almost as important as what you eat for breakfast. Your midday meal provides you the fuel to keep running at top capacity. It gets you through the rest of your afternoon, which is likely filled with another four to five hours of thoughtful work at the office or
